LIRRC Team Racing
The USATF-LI Grand Prix Series of Races
Each year, the Long Island Road Runners Club participates in the USATF-LI Grand Prix Series of Races. At the end of each season, USATF-LI presents runners with both individual and team awards. In order to score as a team, a certain number of runners must participate.
In order to run for the LIRRC teams, you must be first and foremost a member of our club. In order to run in the USATF-LI Grand Prix Series of races, you must also join club affiliation LIRRC #0017, which you can do at their web site
So, if you want to run with the LIRRC Race Team, times are not a pre-requisite for joining, we would love to have you. The more participants, the better chance we have of scoring every race.
To join or for questions concerning the LIRRC Ducks Race Team, contact Teresa for the Women’s Team and Fast Freddy for the men’s Team.
Team Members
Women's Team
Marie Brewer (Captain)
Fran Dowling
Julieann Fahner
Anne Fitzgibbon
Maureen Frisone
Louisa Garry
Monica Gomes
Ellen Greenspan
Terry Herman
Jane Hogan
Judith Latta
Theresa Marett
Susie Marnell
Adriana McCrindle
Carolin Paidoussis
Danie Sanders
Teresa Tribble (co-captain)
Neina Vetrano
Brooke Carpenter
Lisa Nasoff
Men's Team
Peter Cirona
Dennis Dowling
Dave Frisone
Fred Haslett (co-captain)
Michael Hunter
Steve Juchem
Peter Martin
Robert Mayer (co-captain)
Michael Ogazon
Robert Patterson
Grant Radtke
Robert Shaller
Dane Sidi
Buddy Singh
John Rini
Benjamin Beavers